In the mid-1980s, the U.S. is poised on the brink of nuclear war. This shadow looms over the residents of a small town in Kansas as they continue their daily lives. Dr. Russell Oakes (Jason Robards) maintains his busy schedule at the hospital, Denise Dahlberg prepares for her upcoming wedding, and Stephen Klein (Steve Guttenberg) is deep in his graduate studies. When the unthinkable happens and the bombs come down, the town's residents are thrust into the horrors of nuclear winter.
Genres: Drama, Sci-Fi
Release date: November 20, 1983 (USA) TV-PG
Trivia: This remains the most-watched TV movie in U.S. history. Estimates put the viewership at over 100 million Americans, with a Nielsen share of 62 percent.
After finishing up the school term in a remote outback town, teacher John Grant (Gary Bond) looks forward to spending his holiday with his girlfriend in Sydney. But John gets waylaid in a mining town where a gambling spree leaves him completely broke. He quickly falls in with the hard-drinking locals, who constantly ply him with alcohol and force him to participate in a gruesome kangaroo hunt. Disgusted, John tries to hitchhike out of town and, when that fails, begins to contemplate suicide.
Genres: Drama, Thriller
Release date:October 9, 1971 (Australia) R
Trivia:The novel's author, Kenneth Cook, based the fictional town of Bundanyabba on Broken Hill in New South Wales, where much of the movie was filmed on location. The train is seen arriving at "Bundanyabba Sulphide St" station, and Sulphide Street is a genuine station in Broken Hill. Broken Hill is one of the most isolated inland towns in Australia.
When a nuclear war hits Melbourne, Australia, we find that there's more than one way to survive in the fallout - why sit around wasting what air's left when there's time now to get loose and dance?

The world is a blazing atomic hell. Civilisation is dying in agony... What do you do? ...THROW A PARTY!
Genres: Comedy
Release date:September 11, 1988 (Australia)
Dr. Strangelove
A film about what could happen if the wrong person pushed the wrong button -- and it played the situation for laughs. U.S. Air Force General Jack Ripper goes completely insane, and sends his bomber wing to destroy the U.S.S.R. He thinks that the communists are conspiring to pollute the "precious bodily fluids" of the American people
Genres: Comedy, War
Release date:January 29, 1964 (UK) PG
Trivia:While shooting aerial footage over Greenland, the second unit camera crew accidentally filmed a secret US military base. Their plane was forced down, and the crew was suspected of being Soviet spies.
After a nuclear attack kills everyone, the last man on earth, going mad from loneliness and isolation, creates a companion in his mind. He soon finds himself living a lie when his imaginary world builds up into something complex.
Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Sci-fi
Release date: April 11, 1975 (USA)
Trivia:Shot in 1968, but not released until April 11, 1975 with weekend midnight showings at the Waverly theatre in Manhattan. It only had four showings, with considerably increased audience, when a lawyer confiscated the print with a court judgment for an alleged production debt - thus ending its run.
I really really like movies! I figured one of the main parts of my website should be sharing my favorites, the obscure, etc, with the rest of the world. SO! Welcome to the theater. The idea is that I can currate a small group of films (avalible for free on the interwebs) to share with everyone!
For the first film selection in the theater what better than films pertaining to my special specfic interest, nuclear bombs and the australian outback.

Ok... so maybe Wake In Fright is sorta an outlier here (spoilers:theres no bomb) but look I think everyone should see it and its free on YOUTUBE!!! Come on!

The Day After is imo better than Threads (1984), maybe it's because I'm American but seeing a middle of no-where farm town get nuked sends real shivers down my spine.

Smoke Em If You Got Em is one of my favorites of ALL TIME. If you only have 40 minutes to kill, please give it a go. Cult in every meaning of the term.

Dr. Strangelove is a CLASSIC, Stanley Kubrick really knew how to make them. If you want to laugh? Dr. Strangelove is the film for you.

And finally The Noah More people should see this one, truly it is an underrated gem. Just a phenomnal concept, and Robert Strauss' gives a fantastic final performance. He died before it was released.